20 August 2007

Wish I was here...

Wish I was here...

or here...


or even here...

But unfortunately i'm stuck..


Thanks to Valcyrie for the beautiful shots..


  1. loool! you need to get out of Bahrain so you can see all those places, but if you are in here (Like me) It's better to stay at your office or anywhere with air conditioning!

  2. Anonymous15:02

    hmmm... I'm sorta thinking the other way around

  3. Anonymous15:08

    LOL , dont we all wish that !?

  4. BahrainiDiva; well, yes, i guess it is better than standing outside in the sun. its bloody freezing in this office...

    OneinaMillion; other way round? you would rather stay at work? you can come and take over my office while i sneak away for a bit

    Zainal; all of us stuck here during the summer, yes!

  5. Anonymous15:34

    OMG... these pics make me wanna cry...

  6. they're beautiful la? take a look at the owners (valcyrie) photo album. its amazing.

  7. Anonymous15:38

    it tends to get a bit boring if you don't work for a long time!!

    nonetheless, you start saying irrational things like i'm doing right now :p

  8. well, yes, as long as you have other things keeping you busy and the money is flowing, why not?!

    not working right now?

  9. Anonymous16:50

    Yeah I guess so..
    But still, you need to work!
    I'm currently in a "voluntary break".. dying to get back to work.

    Strange huh..

  10. whats a "voluntary break"??????

  11. Anonymous18:23

    I voluntarily quit a crap*y job and looking for a better one..

    I never knew that it'll be so difficult to find a descent job around here.

  12. Anonymous22:48

    The pics in the album are magnificent...crazyly beautiful. The coloring, the shadows, everything. Bellissimo :)

  13. Anonymous23:34

    is this my prize for answering the last puzzle?? running to pack my bags..

  14. OneinaMill: Thats not a voluntary "break", thats voluntary "unemployment" :P No but seriously, finding a job is ridiculously difficult here; trust me, I know, i've been through this the past 6 months. Send me a copy of your CV if you like, i'll try to help out.

    Moon-light; mucho bellisimo! They're all photographs by the way, not drawings :)

    MSB; Yes, yes. This is your prize. Sure. Whatever makes you happy.

  15. Anonymous08:55

    hey, just read your 'about me' page and cracked up at geocities... *cough cough*! reminded me of the old days! (ok fine, i used to have a geocities account/site too!)

  16. Bro... That last picture was sad. You need to get out there and enjoy the heat and humidity. You need a holiday (badly)...

  17. MSB; umm... I think I need to delete that link....

    Capt; i do NOT need to go out there and enjoy the heat and humidity. This cold AC is doing me fine, thank you very much.

  18. Anonymous14:37

    ehm.. it's a break, I insist!


  19. Anonymous02:53

    yeah of course they are photographs, i was commenting on God's miraculas work and the camera's beautiful job :)


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