21 August 2007

Puzzle - 5

Since the last one was too easy, i'll give you one that's a little more difficult. Feel free to ask questions (yes or no answers), no cheating, and have fun!

Here we go!

A man leaves a motel room in the middle of the night, goes to his car, and honks the horn repeatedly. He then walks back to his room. Explain.


  1. Anonymous02:56

    Is the first motel room and the room he walks back to the same?

  2. Clever observation ;) Yes it is.

  3. does he want to check whether the horn still works.. dismiss this question if u think it's too silly :)

  4. there are no silly questions. only stupid ones.

    no no, jk :P He wasn't going to check if his horn was working (do you do that every night before you go to bed, by the way?)

  5. I googled it.

    I hate myself!

  6. bad girl, Silver! Bad bad girl!

  7. Anonymous11:02

    Here's the answer:

    Dude realises he forgot his mobile phone charger in the car, so he goes to the car, and as he's looking around the phone charger, his pot belly honks the horn a few times. He finally finds the charger, and heads back to his room.

  8. Anonymous11:10

    Here's another one!

    There is some animal outside the motel that is annoying the crap out of the man. So he gets out of his room, honks a billion times to scare the animal off, and goes back to sleep.

    I can so see myself doing that with annoying possums.

  9. Evil Odd;


    No and...


    Lets put it this way. When he left his motel room, he wasn't actually heading for the car. He had to head for the car eventually though

  10. sleep walking?

  11. Nope. Even if he was, what would that have to do with the horn?

  12. did he lock him self out of his room?

  13. No. But again, even if he did, what would that have to do with the horn? :)

  14. Anonymous14:51

    Did he horn to call someone or attract someones attention?

  15. That would be a yes ;)

  16. ya3ni ma nesaal??? you said you will answer with eh or la!

  17. I did answer you :) I'm just wondering what you're thinking of? :P

  18. loool! I know dear... just teasing ;)

    by the way : googled it too :S

  19. aaaah, dont give up so easily!!

  20. Anonymous16:12

    All of this happens in the middle of the night. hmmm.

    Nothing is mentioned about the sanity of this man.
    Is he mentally stable? :p

  21. he's is metally stable.

    but think of the night time; what do people do at night? that should give you a clue.

  22. Anonymous18:49

    Hey i think you better re-frame those Puzzles, i think that would prevent
    people from get a similar result through Google.

  23. Anonymous19:25

    Is this puzzle similar in any way to that of the man who calls to wake up the other guy snoring next to his room so he could sleep?
    I guess I can say it straight away:P
    He was going to wake up the loudly snoring dude next door , but he thougt honking the horn several times oaght to do it...

  24. Anonymous20:29

    Can I Google it now?

    I spent the whole night thinking why the man in the motel had to leave his room in the middle of the night to honk his car's horn repeatedly.

    And no .. I don't do it .. but would love to know why your dude here did it :)

  25. Anonymous21:11

    hmm... is he sober? :p

  26. Coolio; true, but if they wanna google it, up to them, ruins their own fun :p

    Moonlight; Erm... Thats pushing it a bit hehe. No. But you got something right; it has to do with waking someone up ;) Just a really good clue for you here.

    Sillybahrainigirl; NO YOU CANT! Why don't u guess like everyone else?

    OneinaMill; yes, he's sober :p

  27. Anonymous21:23

    Did he get lost looking for his room?

  28. yes! you're so close to the answer you won't believe it.

  29. Anonymous21:28

    so did he go out to do something, got lost on the way back and couldnt find his room... so he horned to wake up his friend or wife or whoever was sleeping with him in the room?

  30. Ooooooooh... So close... But not exactly; his wife was sleeping in the room, but she's deaf, so honking the horn won't wake her up...

  31. Anonymous22:31

    oh crap...

  32. Anonymous23:20

    okay...he got out of the room...for something! and then he forgot the no. of the room or something (aka: got lost), so he went and honked his car horn repeatedly to see where's the room where no one would open a door or a window to peer, seeing as his wife is deaf!
    I think I went very far this time:p

  33. Correct! The man goes outside to get something, what it is doesn't matter (ice from the machine, supermarket, something from his car, whatever it is) but he forgets which room he was in. His wife is deaf, so he honks the car horn loudly, waking up everyone else in the motel. The other residents all get up and turn on their room lights, at which point the man then returns to the one dark room...

    Well done :)

  34. Anonymous10:03

    Ah! What! I feel ripped off!

    My 'bu-dabba' solution was more plausible than this!

  35. Ok then, evil odd, your solution was actually the right one. I just didn't want to say it because I discriminate against odd people.


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