12 August 2007

Coffee Shop Stories...

He took another sip of his Latte as she walked in. He gazed.

No, he stared.

Stared at her as she walked through the door over to her friend, sitting quietly on a plush comfy sofa, playing around with her cellphone. He watched her friend get up to warmly greet her, three kisses on the cheek, in succession, left cheek, right cheek, and left again. Their voices rose as they asked each other how everything was, from college, to family, to friends, as if they haven't seen each other in years and years. Probably haven't seen each other for two days, he thought, but that's just the way our girls greet each other.

By now the coffee shop had somehow become filled with the smell of feminine perfume; a strong, yet nice, sugary scent. He took another sip of his Latte, and fiddled with a BMW keychain as he stared. She was an attractive girl, definately; besides her striking features, her shaila fell back to reveal her long, silky black hair; Herbal Essences washed, probably. As she put one leg over the other, her dafa slid to reveal a classy pair of red heels, and some nice looking jeans. She placed her Prada handbag to her side as she conversed with her friend.

He took another sip of his Latte, and pulled back his sleeve a little to reveal his Movado watch; she's a classy girl, she'll surely be able to tell that it was anything but inexpensive. Please look this way, he thought, please notice my watch. Notice my BMW keychain, my Gucci wallet. Notice me, i'm rich, i'm classy, i'm the type of guy you want to be with.

She noticed.

But just for a second. She turned her head away in a manner so non-chalant he should have almost become dissapointed; but he didn't. He knows this is how they play their game, these women. They want to be with him. He knows the want to be with him.

He kept cool, calm, composed. He looked away, as if he didn't care, never cared. But he knew she glanced with the corner of her eye; after all, besides looking well-off, he was actually a pretty handsome and well-dressed fellow. Clean shaven, except for his exceptionally defined goatee, his thoab strikingly white, while the ghitra on his head sat perfectly. So perfectly, infact, that you would think he was trying too hard.

He was trying too hard. The Movado watch was paid for by a credit card whose payments have long been overdue. His BMW car was on loan. He spent his time preparing at home; shaving, ironing his own thoab, getting ready for this evening out, hoping he would get lucky. Little did the girl know he didn't have much more in his bank account than could get him to buy a few days worth of Starbucks coffee.

But she didn't know; how could she? He had it all, she thought. He had the watch, the wallet, the car, and insignificantly, he also had the looks.. He had also glanced, stared, looked at her, and she knew how attractive she was. He wanted her. She knew he wanted her.

He took another sip of his Latte as he picked up his phone; it was time, she thought. She fiddled with hers. Menu, Connectivity, Bluetooth, On...


  1. Anonymous14:33

    Very interesting Ammar... I have observed such drama happening and couldnt help but 'smile'.

  2. very nice piece of writing! I love such writing styles.

  3. Hi ammar !! thank you for stoping by to my blog ..(old one) new soon ... you really make me smile like moontie !! this happend all the time in the gulf .. tell me how much you have and i will tell you how cute are you LOL....

  4. Anonymous13:40

    you saw us?? :O

  5. msb; hahahahahahaha. you cracked me up actually, lol.

  6. Ammar,

    I simply love your stories.

    There are sometimes funny and sometimes sad BUT...they reflects the truth.

    The way you write shows that you must be a good observer..and from some of stories I can tell that you have the good heart.

    All the best to you.


  7. Anonymous01:09

    Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

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    I would appreciate if a staff member here at www.ammaro.com could post it.


  10. Anonymous08:32

    Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!

    I would appreciate if someone here at www.ammaro.com could repost it.


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