8 August 2007

Another Evening in Juffair

She looked at her eyes in the rear-view as she re-arranged her shaila, just enough to show a little bit of hair, but not enough to give it all off. Infront, a Qatari LandCruiser with huge tires and an oversized antenna waited in the traffic. Her Motorolla phone rang, so she took a quick look left and right, just to ensure there were no muroor around, then answered; it was her friend, waiting for her. She told her she was looking for a parking spot and hung up. A Lumina with two boys passed by her, their stares burning into her; thank god for 01 raybon, she thought. It might not be much, but at least it helps. Her lane was semi-blocked with traffic, while the opposite lane was open, with cars creeping by; mostly boys, who really made an effort to turn their heads and look, to see one of the few females driving down at this time of the evening. She was an attractive girl, for sure, but she kept composed, even with the seemingly un-endless boys gazing at her.

Ah, perfect; the rear-lights of a parked Corolla just turned white, signalling it will reverse, clearing up the pavement for her car. She waited as the owner slowly moved his vehicle, being careful not to scrape the bike parked so close to him, and trying to maneuver not to bump her car. After what seemed like an eternity, the Corolla was on its way, giving a thank-you horn as he left, and the parking spot was all hers. A little paradise in a huge desert of cars, traffic and noise. She stayed in her car a few more minutes, fixing her lipstick and eye-liner, applying her blusher, spraying unbelievable amounts of Calvin Klein perfume, and again fixing her shaila. Yes, she was finally ready for another evening at Starbucks, just another evening in the world of Juffair..


  1. Anonymous18:26

    juffair,,the road to crap..

    although one can have the pleasure of chosing the variety of many restaurants to dine in or to go, however; the people there may not make it a very "peacfull" place to rest or relaxx!!

    luved ur post,,keep it up man;)

  2. This is funny but sad too coz its true. To borrow a phrase from Soul Search, it's a sorry sorry situation.

    I really enjoy your posts!

  3. It's war-paint before Starbucks Juffair. I know because I've been there and all the girls were ready for battle and I was the odd one out in shorts and flip-flops. Never again, I swore.

  4. Nice post ammar, this is the same story for many young men and women in Bahrain!!

    and you wonder why we have a million costa coffee's in bahrain!

  5. Wow! I was so anxious reading this, don't know why but was SURE something terrible was going to happen or that the subject of the piece would turn out to be a prostitute :D! Very nice build-up!

  6. Anonymous10:56

    i miss juffair when it didn't have starbucks and all the new restaurants..
    i used to walk around the area with friends. no one ever bothered us.

  7. Anonymous21:48

    Nice text :)

  8. Anonymous12:58

    Really nice piece Ammar. Very neat, I really like your descriptive style.

  9. Anonymous11:16

    Hehehe sadly i have to witness this on daily basis

  10. I love your style of writing! so similar to mine =) I loved this one in particular and the coffeshop one =)


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