25 June 2007

If I had a million dollars...

Something that has been on my mind for the past few days if not weeks, is going away and travelling somewhere. And I don't mean a short trip just to see a few sights or lie down in a hotel; no, I want to take a full fledged around the world trip, explore cities, see the suburbs, go downtown, mix with the people... Generally, whenever I do go away, I try to travel as light as possible, which makes it easy to go from place to place without chugging around tons worth of baggage.

I love travelling, seeing new people, places and cultures, and just mingling with everything, learning new languages etc.. And whenever i'm not travelling spot a travel magazine (in an office, at home, friends house, whatever), I steal it and run off to a corner to read about distant countries and cultures, and view photos of beaches, busy city streets, and rural mountain communities, and imagine myself there.

If I had a million dollars, I probably wouldn't be here in this office. Where would I be?

Well, I would probably be starting off my travels in Tokyo, Japan. And not only there; i'll be taking a long slow trip around the world, just discovering and seeing places. Here's my travel "wishlist":

- A week in Japan, probably 4 or 5 days in Tokyo and the rest somewhere in a rural area
- 12 days in China, say 4 days in each of Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

- A few nights in Moscow
- Fly over to to Prague, Czech Republic, and rent a car from there, driving through and stopping in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Holland, Spain, and maybe Portgual too. (Already been to Holland, France and Italy, but they definately deserve another visit!)

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

- A quick flight to London for a few nights (just because I miss London so much!)
- Visit Morocco, and then down to South Africa, maybe Kenya along the way since they have some really amazing natural habitats there...

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

- Then over to the US; New York, Florida and California, and a quick visit to Mexico since i'm there.
- And a road trip through Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Chile

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I think that should cover a good 2 or 3 months at least. Time of my life.

Unfortunately, i'm not a millionaire. So perhaps I should stop thinking about it and get back to work.


  1. if you need a companion, i'd gladly volunteer if it's a full expense paid trip! hey, if you're a millionaire, you can afford it!!

  2. Maybe, but if I really was a millionaire, I probably wouldn't be writing this!

  3. Oh my goodness you have a blog! I never knew. Pretty cool actually.

  4. My thoughts exactly! But do you really need a million dollars to get away and do what you really want to do?

  5. Sanjay; Well, maybe not a MILLION... but it sure would make it a lot easier!


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